Orders and Delivery
Q: How can I place an order ?
A: Placing an order is simple! Browse our products, add your favorite items to the cart, and proceed to checkout by following the instructions. If you have any questions, our customer service team is here to help.
Q: What are the delivery times ?
A: Delivery times vary depending on your location. Generally, orders are shipped within 2-3 business days and delivered within 5-7 business days. You will receive a tracking number to track your order.
Q: Do you ship internationally ?
A: Yes, we ship our products worldwide. Shipping fees and delivery times may vary depending on the destination.
Q: How do I choose the right longboard/surfskate/electric skateboard?
A: It depends on your experience level and personal preferences. Check out our buying guides for each type of board or contact our expert team for personalized recommendations.
Q: Do you offer warranties on your products?
A: Yes, all our products are covered by a 12-month warranty against manufacturing defects. Please refer to our warranty policy for more details.
Q: Can I try the products before buying?
A: We do not have a physical store for trials, but we offer a 30-day return policy. If the product does not meet your expectations, you can return it for a refund or exchange.
Payment and Security
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept major credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. All transactions are secure.
Q: Are my payment details secure?
A: Absolutely. We use advanced encryption technologies to ensure the security of all transactions.
Customer Service
Q: How can I contact customer service?
A: You can reach us by email at contact@radline.com or by phone at [phone number]. We are available Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM.
Q: Do you have a loyalty program?
A: Yes, we offer a loyalty program to reward our regular customers. Sign up for our newsletter for more information and exclusive offers.
Community and Events
Q: Do you organize events?
A: Yes, we regularly organize competitions, demonstrations, and workshops. Check our Events section for upcoming dates and registration.
Q: How can I join the Radline community?
A: Join us on social media and participate in our events to meet other glide enthusiasts. Share your adventures with the hashtag #RADLINE to be featured on our pages.