Casco TSG Meta Solid L/XL Olive Satin

69,90 €
48 productos en stock.
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The TSG Meta Solid L/XL Olive Satin is designed for riders with a head size between 58 and 60 cm. This helmet combines an ultra-resistant polycarbonate shell and an EPS foam to effectively absorb impacts. Thanks to the Dial Fit System, the adjustment is quick and precise, and the Tuned Fit System allows you to customize comfort with the removable pads.

Perfect for you if:

  • You are a rider looking for complete protection for added safety during your sessions.
  • You want a helmet with a sleek and stylish design, combining style and performance.

  • Technical features:

  • Weight: 300 g
  • Size: L/XL (58 - 60 cm)
  • Construction: Shock-resistant polycarbonate, EPS foam
  • Dial Fit System for personalized adjustment
  • 11 vents
  • Removable and washable pads
  • CPSC certified
  • Reflective chin strap
  • .

    Más Información
    Marca TSG
    Color Verde
    Tamaño L/XL
    Certifications EN 1078 + A1:2012
    Libellé Produit Casco TSG Meta Solid L/XL Olive Satin
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